Yesterday evening I had two frozen rum drinks, then half a beer. I had coffee with my breakfast, and added an extra lap around the racquet club early in the run. And yet I stayed perfectly hydrated and feeling great, and was bouncing along to Kanye West when my cell rang.
I caught up with my girlfriend sitting on a bench in the blazing sun. It was like that moment in Running on the Sun when Lisa Smith-Batchen insists she already took the salt pill. She tried to convince me that I should keep running, and she'd be fine just staying on the bench. We each had gatorade left, and there were tons of stores around. We made it home on the shady side of streets.
So I made more soup. Mock chicken noodle. Lots of liquid, lots of salt. Tastes good, too.
She's a lucky gal, that sis' of mine - having you there to talk sense into her babbling, dehyrated, exhausted self.
Um...that chicken noodle sounds like just the ticket. I do only live about 3,000 miles away, ya know...
Yeah, you understand how dehydrated people do things like kill their hiking buddies.
I'll send the soup with the pudding.
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